Link to Large Image from WordPress Media Uploader

Link to Large Image from WordPress Media Uploader

*** UPDATE: Unfortunately, this method no longer works with the new media uploader introduced in WordPress 3.5 *** Usually when an image thumbnail is inserted into a post, I would like the thumbnail to link to the large version of the image, not the full-size version....
Deactivating Mail on a Domain in Plesk

Deactivating Mail on a Domain in Plesk

As I was working on my MediaTemple Dedicated Virtual web server recently, I discovered that it is necessary to deactivate mail in Plesk on any domain where mail is being handled by a remote mail server (e.g. Google Apps, Exchange Mailserver). This is in addition to...
Setting Up WordPress MultiSite with Amazon CloudFront

Setting Up WordPress MultiSite with Amazon CloudFront

I was doing a project for an organization that had a WordPress Multisite network of International websites. The problem we encountered was that WordPress sites in other countries would run more slowly because our web host was in the United States. I needed to move...