Embassy Media


We enjoyed working with a great team of designers to completely rebrand and relaunch IBLP’s Embassy Institute website as Embassy Media!

Highlights of the project included:

  • Building out a Drupal theme based on Twitter Bootstrap for a mobile-first approach that looks great on a wide range of screen sizes.
  • Carefully coding thousands of lines of CSS using the LESS language so that the design can be easily updated and recompiled with future changes.
  • Organizing hundreds of pages of content into an innovative, easy-to-understand categorization around five life roles.
  • Integrating a powerful Apache Solr search engine with custom facets to allow users to easily locate what they’re looking for.
  • Using JavaScript to create an interactive mega menu system for easy browsing
  • Programming Drupal plugins and complex database Views to achieve completely customized content layouts.
  • Usability testing to ensure an easy transition for both users and content managers.

A big thanks to Christine Ku and Laura DeMasie for their excellent work on the new design and logo!




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